Real Estate Devlopment

Commercial Region in Adra Industrial City

Commercial Region in Adra Industrial City

Established Decision No : 5042
Estab Lished Date : 21/10/2010

Location: It is located in the center of the regulatory chart of industrial city in Adra. The typographical nature of the region is plane, has no hills or heights.
Area : 230 Hectares
Number of the proposed commercial and administrative buildings: 42 buildings.
Administrative subordination: Council of Industrial city in Adra, Damascus Suburb Governorate
Purpose of the project: It aims to provide the commercial, touristic, services and administrative activities and events in the industrial city in Adra.
Real Estates:
The regulatory status of the real estates are outside the prohibition areas and sanctities and outside the touristic areas and inside the regulatory chart of the industrial city . They are acquired in favor of Industrial city in Adra.
The road connection: It is connected with a network of roads inside the industrial city in Adra and connected with the road of Damascus -Iraq. The road connections and sources of water, electricity and sanitary drainage are available.
